Commercials are spooky
when i started writing about the release, the following commercial appeared:
Pinched Nerve Relief
Don't think that will help
Lean, agile living for the running mother of Peter
when i started writing about the release, the following commercial appeared:
Non of us in the team is sick. And it's release time! Tjohoo. So, instead the application is sick. We don't have running software. Our release should have been 15:00, but the release has been moved to 11:00, tomorrow. I hope I get some sleep before that...
Labels: team
On the previous Saturday I had my final long run before Stockholm Marathon. The difficulty right now is FOCUS. During my previous marathons, I've been able to focus before the run. But that was before my previous job, little Peter and all the other things that make focus a sparse part of life. So I focus by reading literature. I've rediscovered Oscar Wilde, Ken Kesey and all those loves of my life.
Labels: Sports
Watching cycling is some what of a hobby... Ok, I admit that I follow all the big road races when displayed on TV. During the summer months I probably spend about two hours a day watching the Giro, the Tour or the Vuelta. So, you could say I follow cycling. But does that make me know the cyclists? Well, I'd say no. I don't know them at all. I'm pretty good at recognizing them on a distance based on their form, style, clothes and all that. But I have no idea who's nice and who's not so nice. Well, you see that some of the guys seems nice to the others in the peleton and in their team. But the behavior in a competition, not to mention an inhuman physical competition in the summer heat and with cameras up your face probably doesn't say everything about that person.
Labels: Sports
We're one week from sprint finish. I've come quite far with the planning for the summer sprint. Nice and cool. Then the PO comes and says he wants to go through the workflow for one of the applications. That application hasn't been our main focus, but we've put a little love into it during all the sprints. So, I say OK, and we schedule a meeting on Monday. But I start the application on Thursday. I haven't been following it and left to the PO to do the acceptance testing. Then I realized why he wanted the meeting. Disaster. All the small decisions we'd made we're probably right on their own but the end result was terrible. A normal user wouldn't be able to follow the workflow. I called the PO and he said that he'd felt this for some time but hadn't said anything.
Labels: priority
During two summer months I won't be the scrum master of the development project. Instead, one of the guys will take the responsibility. He said he had a vague idea but saw it most as updating the to-do-list. So, I sat down and made a list of the responsibilities. Boring tasks, all of them. Dull and Grey. Perhaps this can be permanent, if this works during these months, why not let this continue so I can be one of the ordinary team members and leave the sh*t to someone else. But the title is fun, having the word Master in the title must be the objective of all human beings.
I know some people have problem with hair growth on their heads. This has never been a problem for me. My hair grows and it grows fast. When my son was born I just let it grow. When I cut it I cut of decimeters at the time and it was still always too long. When you go running at least three times a week, it's a trouble. Not to mention if you exercise at least 2 times besides that.
Labels: Family
Some say that giving birth is the most amazing moment in life. Others say other physical acheivements like completing a marathon or winning a competition of some kind. The day before last I experienced one of the most wonderful things ever. Struggling as a working mom who never took her son to toddlers swim and other "activities for children", you kind of wonder. Have my just including my son in my everyday activities such as cleaning, doing the dishes and washing had a negative effect on his feelings for me? Of course, he's only 2,5 years old and have plenty of time figuring that out and he'll probably yell the answer to me in his teens, but then is then. How about now? Does he feel close to me as the stay at home-, passifier like and total child absorbed mothers who I have difficulty feeling comfortable with?
Labels: Sports
My CEO told me today that one of our salespersons had made a sales ppt presentation of 92 slides. Don't know about you, but a powerpoint never made me buy anything. Ever. I've thought a lot about powerpoints and presentations during the latter week. What makes them good, what makes them bad. I believe that ppts has become the passifier of our and the previous generation. You can't go in to a meeting without them. The more the better. Use them all the time. It's often very ugly to look at. And you think: when is he going to stop...
I didn't win the lottery. In January, I thought: why not runt New York Marathon? Never done a full marathon outside Stockholm (I've only run Stockholm...) so why not combine two of my passions: New York bagels and running? Well, if it would have been that easy. I am not alone. So I had to rely on the lottery and I had a one in four chance. Didn't count on the odds, so I started thinking: where will I run if I don't win in the lottery? My options are Amsterdam, Berlin and Beijing. Dutch, german or Chinese? I leaning on the Peking duck and I will probably have made up my mind this week, when I talked to my boss about the much needed Autumn break for the scrum master in question.
Labels: Sports
When you work with use cases and storyboards you are sometimes amazed that looking at how things are thought to be used is so foreign for certain professionals. Like people planning Swedish airports. They don't seem to fly. Ever.
Labels: priority
It's nothing new, of course, but something worth thinking about: the historical Jesus probably thought of himself as a Jew and probably didn't use the term Christian himself. And of course, this is not only applicable to Jesus: lot of historical figures have long after their passing being labeled as a typical XYZ.
Labels: team
Turning agile is hard. Building a new product from scratch is difficult. Forming a team is a big challenge. Do it all in the same time is suicide... Or? Our team is doing all this at the same time. We are too few, we are too hard-headed and we've taken on several on their own merits, very diffucult tasks at one time. The interesting thing is that it is much like long distance running. It's not a question of IF it hurts, it is WHERE it hurts and how well you can handle that kind of pain.
Labels: team
There are few things that makes you as happy as things. Monday, I bought a second-hand bike that is fold able. ( And of course, I'm in love. Just took a short ride from the car to work, but it's actually a really fun bike to run. Of course, it's not the kind of bike you take on long tours, but for my urban needs it's perfect. And the idea with a fold able bike is kind of dear to me. As my t-shirt reads today, get assimilated. Get funny toys...
My friend the hattifnatt is ruining my reputation with google. I went from medical advice, via agile conference to this commercial:
Labels: Family
There's a wonderful movie, which you probably seen, called As good as it gets. Sometimes I think about that title. As good as it gets, and how that is presented in the movie. For you who haven't seen the movie or just don't remember: The guy with no life, so controlled by his mania and ideas that he doesn't have what we would call a life. And then he realizes that this is life, and what if that life is as good as it gets.) Some people say that they just have to endure their life. That this is as good as it gets, even if they don't feel happy. I guess that should be an option when you're 85 or something and have terminal cancer. For us others with no real excuses, life should be as good as we make it. Don't endure the pain of life, enjoy the happiness of living! Cause pain is temporary, living won't stop until you're dead.
Labels: Sports
A premiere race for mommy. Havn't raced for three years. Just a 12 km run so a was planning on running home. I didn't remember that a race is always a race. Independant of length... I'd forgotten all about the start, all the different people who for some reason pay money for the pleasure of running among others. It's crowded and you cannot change the route. You should be payed instead. But I'm also part of the culture. Dunno why, but I am.
Labels: Sports
I've always preferred morning runs. I like the idea of doing the necessary things first and then indulge myself in "free stuff". Since running is part of a schedule, it's necessary. Ergo, done as soon as possible. And also, running in the morning means you experince the wonder of the early morning. The beauty of it.
Labels: Sports
I don't know what's wrong with delivery. And then I don't think about child birth. I'm talking about our sprint deliveries. We have a delivery curse. And it's bad. When I started working in our department I was originally a tester. I'd just been with the team for a little more than two months when a delivery was due. Back in those golden days waterfall was the thing so the delivery was a BIG deal. Then the development department leader got sick. And the project manager. And the architect. So no one knew the routine for delivery. Somehow everyone relied on me, the newest kid on the block, to work it out. Perhaps because I'm much older than the guys. Dunno, but somehow everything turned out OK. I was freaked out but we had a release.
I got an e-mail from the Google gods. Didn´t I want to post some commersials on my blog. Ha, don't think my few readers would by their clicking on links make me an financially independant woman, but I thought. why not? Just to see how many clicks on those links. Voila! A commercial for free blogs. Then the funny thing happens. I write the word FAT and suddenly the commercial changes to some fat reduction things. Then I add a link to the only program on kids I can tolerate: Child of our time (I can't help prompting you parents as is or parents to come to watch) and suddenly the commercial is for adhd-drugs. So my new amusement is watching how I can affect the commercials on my blogs with my writing. Oh my, I am interacting with the marketing people! They think I am a fat woman with a child with adhd, but what the f**k. They're probably right. I should go on a diet or give my son some pills to cool him down. The marketing people are always right. I must have turned Christian now that I wrote that word and also wrote the word God. Gotta go and prey for my soul!
Labels: Family
Before I had my son, I would ride my bike to and from work, almost every day. I rode Vätternrundan, a bike race of 300 km, an prior to that, I rode about 20 km a week to train for the event in question. Would I then had called myself a cyclist? N O F A T C H A N C E. My concept of a cyclist includes a person, riding a real racer, with all the correct equipment and riding at a considerable speed. Not in the city. On the road. I was merely out cycling, or riding a bike. But I was no cyclist, and will never become. The question came up during lunch yesterday. People not glued to Tour de France or Giro d'Italia have no concept of the difference between a cyclist and someone riding a bike. But, of course, it is not just in cycling you differ between a person using the tools and a person who have reached another level. Is every person equiped with a hammer a carpenter? Is every person who writes code a developer? You might call it elitistic, but there you have it. When you have a role, it takes more than grabbing the tools to have the role. You might play it, but you won't be it. Or what do you think?
Labels: Sports
May 1st. So, this is May. Next month I'll be running the marathon again. It's been 3 years since my last crossing the finish line so it will feel like a novelty again. I'm three years older, I'd had a child since last, and I have much more on my mind. During all my other training sessions for long distance running, I stopped drinking almost completely. A glass of wine once a month. Nothing more. I know that alcohol is something athletes should avoid: getting drunk destroys much more of your training than you can imagine. And even small amounts of alcohol lessens the effect of your training. But then, I like wine.
Labels: Sports