Pain is temporary, failure lasts forever

Lean, agile living for the running mother of Peter


Search results in Google

A near relative sometimes (aka often) talks about how high he's scored on Google, when searching for certain keywords. So, I thought I'd better compete. How about Umberto Eco and Scrum. Hm, number FOUR on the list. Someone else actually have written on these two odd areas. Actually, I got nearly 500 hits on that search.

I'm fairly alone on Midnattsloppet and Scrum, or Umberto Eco and Midnattsloppet, though. That's not fair: Midnattsloppet is a Swedish small event. Sh*t, must become more original. Or...

But Lance Armstrong and Umberto Eco, then. Noooo. They actually won the same price, the same year. Namely Prince of Asturias Foundation in the year 2000.

I give up, I will never be number one on Gooogle.


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