Pain is temporary, failure lasts forever

Lean, agile living for the running mother of Peter


The coding non-coder

So, I started reading the C#-book this weekend. My greatest and formost problem is the terms used. Some of them I have very different associations to. So, I have difficulty accepting a meaning to these words. The first chapters took ages. I forced myself rereading the sentences until I had accepted the terms used.

The second problem is that I recognize other terms from database modeling and math. But the usage is sometimes slightly different. Here my problem is that I read too fast and miss the details.

My goal right now is to read through the book in three weeks. I won't write a single line of code. After this I'll go through the book again, this time coding as I go along. The reason for this is that the examples also include code, not yet covered in the theory part. So, the author says: ignore that, we'll discuss it later. But I get stuck and can't get past those lines. So, hopefully this will do the trick. But it's a long-term-trick. Let's say our developers won't be out of a job any time soon. Keep you updated!



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