Pain is temporary, failure lasts forever

Lean, agile living for the running mother of Peter


And let the games begin

I know my son likes to compete. I know my son loves to win. I don't know if "it's in his blood" or something we and his environment has pushed him into. But this is a string in him. How do I feel about that? Well, I like that he isn't the kind of person who just gives in. I don't like when he cries because he doesn't win. So, this is something we work with often. And during the summer and early autumn things have improved.

So, today I was happy when little Pete went to the playground and found a new kid to play with. I've never liked ball games and I'm the individualistic athlete so I'm happy that Peter likes soccer. And I was even more pleased to see him with this little boy just kicking the ball between them. Taking their time kicking the ball. Proud mama.

But then the other boy's father turned to the guys, wanted them to play in different teams, having their own goal. He volunteered as referee. Peter looked dumb stricken. The other boy grabbed the ball and tried hiding it from Peter. I was then stunned when the other boy threw himself to the ground, playing hit. The father played along and acted medic.

They are four years old. They are boys. Why? I felt that the father spoiled their fun today. I guess the father want a soccer player for a son and I see no error in wanting that. But one should always put the child's interest first and removing the play from the four-year-old is not in the child's interest. They are good at competing. The cooperation is a harder nut to crack. If you want your child to participate in a team.



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